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How to Do Tasks

When an advertiser chooses your blog, you will receive an email with instructions about what you need to do. This email will include the advertiser’s website, the ad type, the payout amount, and the instructions explaining what you need to do. Read the instructions carefully. If you ever have any questions about the instructions, feel free to contact the help desk. Also, if you ever lose the email with the instructions, you can always go to your Task Management page and hover your mouse over the “Task URL” for the specific task. A blue box will pop up showing you the instructions.
How to Write a Blog Entry for Blogsvertis, Just look around on the sponsor’s website and then write a blog entry on your blog about what you think of it.  You can write positive or negative thoughts about this website - the product, the layout of the site, any personal experiences you have had that relate to this kind of product, etc.  The blog entry has to be at least 100 words in length. Please do not copy and paste from the sponsor’s website or from any other online articles. Please do not make information up under any circumstances.You must also link to the sponsor’s site in your blog ad - unless the advertiser specifies otherwise in their notes.  Check the task instructions to see what link(s) the advertiser wants you to use. Make sure you follow their instructions. Then, when you are done and have published the blog entry to your blog, click on the time in the blog entry to create a permanent link, and submit this using the link provided in the assignment email.  For more information about this read our FAQ at http://www.blogsvertise.com/faq.php. 
How to View The Advertiser's Instructions
1. Go to your Task Management page.  Here you will see a list of all of your assignments.
2. Locate the specific task you want to view in your list.
3. Click on the Number to the left of the blog URL.  This will take you to a new page to view the instructions. 
you can hover your mouse over the Task URL and a blue box will appear with the instructions.
How to Do Links in Your Entry
There are two types of links that an advertiser might ask for.  One is a link that uses "anchor text", and the other is a "URL-based" link.
Anchor text
Very often advertises will ask for something called "anchor text" or "link text".  Anchor text refers to the word or phrase that you used to link to the advertiser’s site.  In other words, it is the word or phrase that your readers can click on.  It is also referred to as “keyword” or “link text”.  Many advertisers ask for specific words or phrases, so make sure you read the task instructions carefully and use what they ask for.  Be sure to check for misspellings before resubmission.
Example: In the following text:
Click here to see your task list
"click here" is the anchor text because those are the words that are clickable.
URL-Based Links
A URL refers to address that you use to get to a website.  For example http://www.blogsvertise.com is a URL.
A URL-based link is that uses the actual URL as the anchor text instead of any particular word or phrase. 
Click here to see your task list:  http://www.blogsvertise.com/task_management.php  
This would be a URL-based link.
Is there a deadline to complete the task?
Yes, bloggers have 5 days to complete a task.  You can check the date that the task was assigned to you by going to Task Management and looking at the "Create Date" on the right hand column.  After five days, the task is reassigned to another blogger, so it is important that you submit the task before the deadline.
Please keep in mind that if there is a mistake in your blog entry, it will get rejected and you will be given a chance to fix the entry and resubmit it.  However, you still need to resubmit the task within five days of the original create date.  With that in mind, it is often a good idea to aim to submit tasks two or three days after the task was assigned, to give yourself extra time to fix and resubmit the task.
How to Submit a Blog Entry
Once you have published your blog entry on your blog, you must submit the task on the website. To do this, find the permanent link for the specific blog entry. We need the link so that we can find your blog entry and review it for approval. You can find the link by clicking on the title of your post or by clicking on the timestamp of the blog entry. Then look at the white box at the top of the screen that starts with http:// Copy this. Then, go to Task Management. Locate the task and click the dot, then accept. Paste the permanent link in the box next to Blog Entry. You can put whatever title you would like in. Then hit submit.
How To Do a Text Link or Banner Ad
For a text link ad, simply add a link on the sidebar of a blog homepage using the words that the advertiser requested. Once you have added the link to the side bar, you must submit the task as you would a blog entry (but you do not have to write a post). We need you to submit so that we can verify that you have completed the task so we can pay you. Go to Task Management, click the dot and Accept. This will take you to a new screen. Then paste in your blog’s home page URL and hit submit.
How to do a Pay Per Action or Pay Per Click task
You must add a banner on the side of your blog’s home page. If you are not sure how to do so, please contact your blogging platform for assistance. Link the banner to the specific tracking URL sent to you. This is very important and you need to make sure you use the right one so that we can pay you.
Once you had added the banner to your home page, you submit the task by going to Task Management. Click the dot next to the task, hit Accept, and then put in your blog’s home page URL.
Task Submission Problems
We receive many emails regarding task submissions problems and how to locate a recently submitted task. Unless you receive an error message stating that the task has expired, your submission likely went through correctly. Before consulting us, go to your Task Management page and make sure that “View All” is selected in the drop-down menu. This way, you will be able to see if your task is submitted and awaiting approval. If your task is, in fact, expired, email us with your account email and include the advertiser URL for the task you want reassigned. Note that we try our best to reassign tasks, but we do not guarantee reassignment if you have not completed the task within the 5-day deadline.
Also, we do not check tasks on weekends. Generally, we will get to your task within 48 hours. If it has been more than 3 days, however, feel free to email us.


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